Lyle Sundog Gordon

the Tri-color Border Collie

Age 5 - 6 months

Click on each thumbnail to see the larger picture.  Photos are arranged in reverse chronological order.


July 22, 2016

Just laying around on the cool tiles after a day out in the backyard in the 90-something degree heat.


Here he is with a piece of garlic.  I was making pickles and he seemed curious, so I gave him a clove.  It apparently brought out his wild instincts, as he just wanted to roll around with it.

Here he is wearing Pawz rubber booties for training in the car without having to be in a kennel.

Late evening, enjoying his chair.


Even later evening, hyped up on hip hop, playing with his rope toy.


July 17, 2016

Here is Lyle at Maybury State Park, near a mushroom I was photographing.


Here he is sleeping later in the evening.


July 16, 2016

Lyle visited some Holly state land and a small bit of Holly Recreation Area for the first time today. 


He enjoyed listening to the sounds of the bullfrogs calling all around the lake and listening for chipmunks in the woods.


Here he is approaching one of my favorite trees.


Near the lot was an incredible blackberry patch with some of the fullest, juiciest berries I've ever had.  I gave Lyle one.  He wasn't too sure about it at first, but he finally ate it.  The funny thing was that later in the hike, he found some low-growing blackberries that were not in a patch and was eating them off the plants!  These pictures are out of focus, but that's what he's doing in the next two shots.  He continued to look for and eat blackberries throughout the rest of the hike.



Just after sunset, he calmly watched over the lake near waypoint #23.  This overlook was a bit overgrown, but Lyle found the path to it before I saw it.  He is especially good at finding the little unofficial trails.  He also seems to know his way back when traveling the same way back along a linear path with splits.




July 15, 2016

Lyle's new rope toy.







July 14, 2016

Late evening.




July 12, 2016

In his pointing stance.


July 11, 2016

In the curtains looking out the window.


July 10, 2016

Here is Lyle at LeFurge Preserve enjoying the tall grasses.





He was pretty tired later this evening.



July 9, 2016

Lyle visited a new state today, Ohio!  He had a great time at Oak Openings Metropark.










July 7, 2016

Lyle hanging out in the front yard during a rainbow.  Click here for more photos of the rainbow.


Later this evening in his chair with rabbit toy.



July 4, 2016

Lyle isn't afraid of fireworks!  On our neighborhood walks yesterday and today, he didn't even flinch when they went off, even the big booms.  After returning home, he even wanted to lay out on the lawn and listen to them!


July 1, 2016

Lyle couldn't hide his excitement about getting a new cooked and seasoned femur bone tonight!  LOL!!!  Too funny.




June 26, 2016

Playing with his 1980's frog toy.

Sleeping in his chair.



June 25, 2016

Lyle visited Independence Oaks County Park for the first time today.





June 18, 2016

Lyle resting alongside the trail at Lyon Oaks County Park.





Here he is on his favorite chair, pretty tired.



June 14, 2016

A quick video of Lyle jumping up for the ball and catching it in mid-air---something he loves to do.

Resting after playing ball.






June 13, 2016

Lyle's new squirrel toy.  It didn't last long.



Late night---Lyle is tired.




June 12, 2016

Huron Meadows Metropark.

Here are a few photos of Lyle just hanging out along the trail.







Taking a break in the leaves.  Enjoying the tall grass.


He found a spot to hide near the cement platform at the edge of Maltby Lake.




Here he is standing on the platform.




On the ramp down to the pier, and on the dock.



June 7, 2016

Lyle lost the last of his puppy teeth today, his upper right canine.


June 5, 2016

Sleeping in his chair and playing with his duck toy.




June 4, 2016

Lyle went to Waterloo State Park today, but it was raining.  Lyle didn't mind the rain at all.  I didn't take any photos of him today, but I did however photograph three large snapping turtles in the process of laying eggs while I was protected underneath an umbrella!


June 2, 2016

Lyle found a piece of twine in the backyard and had a lot of fun rolling around with it.


May 31, 2016

Just resting in his favorite chair.



May 30, 2016

Pinckney State Park. 

A few things worth noting:  Lyle appears to be very aware of how to get back to the car.  The turn-off through "Moss Paradise" is not obvious and not part of the main, marked trail, yet amazingly, on the way back, he led me right to it and did not continue on the main trail when we reached the split-off.  He also left a rock behind (only because I pulled him away from it).  It was just a small, one-inch diameter rock.  He managed to find it again on the way back to the car, as if he'd been waiting for the opportunity to grab it!

Here is Lyle checking out the tall ferns.

I tried to arrange the same photograph as on March 20, 2016, the last time we visited "Moss Paradise."


Hanging out by the bridge.


Resting on my chair later that night.



May 29, 2016

Highland State Park.  This is the first park Lyle ever visited back on February 20, 2016.  We got to see a lot more today.



Below, I photographed Lyle near one of my favorite cherry trees that appears to be infected with nectria cankers, which account for its unusual appearance.







May 28, 2016

Late night (actually May 29, 2016).  Lyle snuck onto my chair and hung out on the fireplace tiles.




May 27, 2016

Lyle enjoys sitting in this chair, as did Beatrice the Mallard.  I decided it's okay, since it has a washable cover on it.




May 26, 2016

Here, he is playing with a piece of fabric.


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