Lyle Sundog Gordon

the Tri-color Border Collie

Age 1 1/4 - 1 1/2 years old

Click on each thumbnail to see the larger picture.  Photos are arranged in reverse chronological order.


June 22, 2017

Lyle playing in the sprinkler setting on the hose nozzle, his newest favorite thing to do.


June 18, 2017

Proud Lake State Park.













June 13, 2017

Trying to get both spike balls in his mouth.  He accomplished the task for a few seconds just before I took the first photo.


In the curtains by the front door.




June 11, 2017

I found him falling asleep in the cradle.




June 9, 2017

Maybury State Park.










He seemed to remember this sewage structure he sat on last time, climbing right up for photos.



Later this evening.




June 6, 2017

Lyle ran around outside for a long time today.  He was tired.  First, he is pictured on his new orange cooling pad.  Then he is shown in his bed and his chair.  I have tried several times to give him comfy pads in his bed, but he doesn't like them.  He prefers to lay on the plastic liner and use blankets for cushioning.





June 3, 2017

Lyle's first visit to Deerfield Hills Nature Area.








June 1, 2017

Playing with lobster and elephant toys.


May 31, 2017

Late night, under the couch with spikeball.



May 30, 2017

This was a funny moment.  I caught him biting up the cover on his chair and wrestling around with the bottom of it.  As soon as I said his name, he froze in an awkward position with his right front leg wrapped up in the blanket.  He pretended to be sleeping for all the time I was looking at him and taking the pictures.  Then when I put the camera away, he popped up and started playing with his toys.



Late this evening, I was surprised to find him curled up in the cradle with spikeball!  He only stayed there for a few minutes, but I was lucky to capture some photos.  Notice his funny lip in the second to last photo, as he is looking at spikeball, which he rolled out of the cradle.





May 28, 2017

Here he is at around 10 pm, with curtains over his head.  He does this a lot, but I'm usually not fast enough with the camera.



May 27, 2017

Seven Lakes State Park.






Lyle saw his first hot air balloon today.  I've never had a dog that paid so much attention to the sky.  The first few times Lyle saw the moon, he barked at it.  He pays attention to airplanes, helicopters and birds (especially birds of prey).  Fortunately, he didn't seem to be worried about the balloon and the strange sounds it was making.




He had a great time in the sand.





May 23, 2017

After I finished folding up the clothes, Lyle decided to roll Spikeball into the dryer drum, as he often does.  He still won't get it out though.


Several minutes later, he really surprised me when I saw him sitting in the cradle!  He only sat there for about a minute.


May 21, 2017

Looking out the front window.


Eddy Discovery Center, Waterloo State Park.

One of the first things he did was roll around in the dirt.



He seemed to remember the outdoor "amphitheater" of bench seats.  He went right to the top and got comfortable.





It has become apparent that Lyle has made the connection between benches and rest spots.  He stopped and laid down by a couple benches all on his own, even though we weren't planning to stop.




After his shower.




May 20, 2017

Lyle's new lobster toy from my parents.



May 18, 2017

Lyle and a new orange ball.



May 14, 2017

Lyndon Park South, Waterloo State Park.

The first set of photos would have been great, except that the right side of Lyle's mouth was full of dirt.  It's funny how taking pictures of him for only about one minute can result in so many different expressions.





He dug a small hole and laid down.  I think he must have discovered that the ground is cooler underneath the top layer.



May 8, 2017

I've been trying for several months to capture a video of Lyle and his ball-playing antics.  Every time I put the camera on him, he only wants to interact with me, and keeps rolling the ball to my feet, instead of playing by himself and batting the ball around.  He always puts on a great show when someone is over, so I decided to record him while my mom was over today.  I edited out a couple slow parts where he rolled the ball to my mom and tried to get her to interact.



May 7, 2017

Brighton State Park.







May 4, 2017

He had one ear up, so I took a couple pictures.



May 3, 2017

3 combined clips of Lyle playing with his blanket.


April 29, 2017

Holliday Park.











April 23, 2017

Crosswinds Marsh.











April 19, 2017

Acting innocent, as if he wasn't about to bite up the blanket, which he then proceeded to do.



April 17, 2017

Playing with his stuffed sheep toy.


April 16, 2017

Waterloo State Park, Sackrider Hill area.









April 14, 2017

Oakwoods Metropark equestrian trails.









April 7, 2017

He fell asleep in his crate tonight.



April 1, 2017

Waterloo, Eddy Discovery Center.

By my favorite growing pine.




At the bog on the boardwalk and enjoying a grassy area.



Chilling out at the "amphitheater," jumping over fallen trees, and enjoying some views of the swampy areas.


His favorite place to relax, on the overlook platform.


Enjoying the lakeshore.



March 26, 2017

These were taken in the dark, with the infrared sensor and flash.  It is funny how he likes to have the curtain draped over him, this time covering his eyes!



March 24, 2017

Lyle's first visit to this section of Waterloo State Park, near #14.


He surprised me and sat near one of my favorite trees that one can fit inside of.  He was afraid to go in though.





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